Category Topics

PSA Products

Discuss all Palmetto State Armory branded products here, such as our complete PA-15 rifles, PSAK-47 rifles, gun parts, accessories, and more.

General Discussion

Use this section to start a civilized conversation on various topics related to the world of firearms and beyond. Please note, this is for discussion only. No buying or selling is allowed on any part of this forum.

Non-PSA Products

This category is a dedicated section to non-Palmetto State Armory branded products. Discuss topics from Pistols to competitive shooting and everything in between.

PSA Store Discussion

Have something to say or discuss in regards to our Palmetto State Armory stores? You have landed in the right spot.

Hometown Discussion

If you want to conversate about things going on in South Carolina, then you are in the right place. Strike up a discussion about anything from PSA events to other things going on in our great state.