Trump Visits Gun Store In South Carolina
Something looks familiar.
Heeeey……that’s the store we went to 2 years ago after our oldest moved close by!! Awesome!!
Julian Wilson, Trump, Jamin, and AG Wilson in the Summerville store. Jamin said he and Trump talked for about 30 min about the dangers of Executive gun control action. He said Trump actually listened and asked what the biggest obstacles for gun owners were. Said he would undo the pistol brace issues.
The gun control people are having a complete meltdown about now.
I do wish he’d have shown him an LGB-15 lower………
… and discuss removing suppressors from the NFA list!
More like “removing the NFA”
Heck, how about just removing the atf entirely!
good grief.
Trump may have just broken a federal law live on camera (
and then
Trump Campaign Backtracks After Claiming Ex-President Bought A Gun—Which Could Be Illegal (
Sensationalism headlines. He could have bought it. It would have then been shipped to his FL FFL, where a background check would happen.
They want it to sound like he did something illegal, which he did not.
The top link it looks like MSN already pulled it for lack of credibility.
Yeah I saw this earlier. I thought about going down there.
I’m not happy with how he deflected from the pistol brace question. It didn’t seem promising AT ALL
Was gifted to him hahaha
I thought he said “That’s an easy fix, we’ll fix that.”
He did then it sounded like he immediately jumped to energy independence almost as if he didn’t want to discuss it. Idk I need the full 30 min video to make an accurate judgement
It’s out there and there’s no saying it was taken out of context or anything like that. Clear, concise and to the point.
He didn’t purchase.
He said he’s still waiting for the Micro Dagger.