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Lee Precision .45 Colt Steel Collet Style Factory Crimp Die - 90302
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Lee Precision .45 Colt Steel Collet Style Factory Crimp Die - 90302

Regular Price $14.99 Special Price $12.39
SKU 797431
Brand Lee Precision, Inc.
Model Number 90302
UPC 734307903022
Caliber .45 Colt
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Product Details


  • Type: Collet Style, Factory Crimp
  • Size: 45 Colt
  • Material: Steel
  • For Use With: Handgun Ammo
  • Weight: 0.26 lb


45 Colt collet style crimp die. Incorporates a collet to apply a rifle type crimp to the case. Makes these very difficult to crimp cartridges a delight to reload. Bullets do not need a crimp groove, as the collet is so powerful it will form one. Carbide factory crimp die sizer sizes the cartridge while being crimped, so every round will positively chamber freely with factory like dependability. The adjusting screw quickly and easily sets the desired amount of crimp. It is impossible to buckle the case as with a conventional bullet seating die. Trim length is not critical so this extra operation takes less time than it would if cases were trimmed and chamfered. Revolver dies roll crimp with no limit as to the amount. A perfect taper crimp is applied to auto-loader rounds. The crimper cannot be misadjusted to make a case mouth too small to properly head-space. A firm crimp is essential for dependable and accurate ammunition-it eliminates the problems of poor ignition of slow burning magnum powders.


  • Can be used to load the 475 Linebaugh


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