Lyman 6.5 Creedmoor Pro Die Pack - 7701032
SKU | 51655150940 |
Brand | Lyman |
Model Number | 7701032 |
UPC | 011516710321 |
Caliber | 6.5 Creedmoor |
Product Details
The Lyman Pro Die Pack is designed specifically for .308 Win cartridges, ensuring precise and consistent reloading for optimal performance
This pack includes essential dies for reloading, featuring a full length sizing die, a bullet seating die and a taper crimp die, providing a comprehensive solution for .308 Win reloading
The dies maintain uniform case dimensions, contributing to consistent chamber fit, smooth feeding and reliable ballistic performance
The bullet seating die allows for accurate adjustment of bullet seating depth, promoting improved accuracy and compatibility with various firearms
The taper crimp die ensures dependable taper crimping, facilitating proper feeding and chambering of reloaded rounds
Tailored to the specifications of .308 Win, the Lyman Pro Die Pack is designed to meet the unique reloading needs of this widely-used caliber
Constructed from high quality materials, these dies are designed for durability, providing longevity and consistent performance through multiple reloading cycles
Including all necessary dies, this pack streamlines the reloading process, enhancing efficiency and reducing overall reloading time
With a reputation for producing reliable tools and accessories, Lyman is a trusted name in the reloading industry, ensuring that these dies meet consistent standards of quality
Reloaders can confidently reload their .308 Win ammunition using the Lyman Pro Die Pack, knowing they are producing rounds that meet reliable standards of accuracy and consistency
The Lyman Pro reloading dies set a new standard for reloading die performance, signifying the end of an era. Carefully engineered to meet the extensive capacity demands of our mark 7 presses, these precision dies leave no aspect overlooked In their pursuit of unmatched performance. They transcend traditional progressive presses and perform equally well In turret and single station presses. Material selection was a top priority, with all size, seat and crimp dies expertly crafted from stainless steel, chosen for its unyielding strength and resistance to corrosion, effectively eliminating the issue of rusted dies. The sizing dies, adorned with impeccably polished carbide rings, offer exceptional wear resistance and reduce the force required for sizing. Additionally, the sizing dies incorporate a spring-loaded decapping rod system, guaranteeing the forceful ejection of the primer from the primer pocket. In our rifle sets, we've seamlessly integrated our renowned m die neck expander, complete with its distinctive two-step expander plug, providing precise neck tension and case mouth flare. The pistol sets include flare dies designed to facilitate proper bullet seating on the case mouth before the seating process. Introducing the Micrometer seating die, featuring a micrometer-adjustable seating head for achieving precise bullet seating lengths. Its floating bullet seating punch centers the bullet on the case, eliminating any excess run-out. Each set is also equipped with a taper crimp die, eliminating any remaining case mouth flare and enhancing bullet retention.
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