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Toolcraft Logo'd Carpenter 158 Nitride Full-Auto BCG & PSA AR-15 Charging Handle 7075 T6 Forged Mil-Spec

Toolcraft Logo'd Carpenter 158 Nitride Full-Auto BCG & PSA AR-15 Charging Handle 7075 T6 Forged Mil-Spec

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Products Details

PSA AR-15 Charging Handle 7075 T6 Forged Mil-Spec - 24080


Manufacturer: Palmetto State Armory
Product Line: PA-15
Platform: AR-15
Material: Forged Aluminum
Finish: Black
Includes: Mil-Spec Charging Handle


Forged T7075 charging handle from Palmetto State Armory. Manufactured to mil-specs. Black finish. Made in America. Fits AR15/M16 weapons. PSA is your source for all things AR-15.

Toolcraft Logo'd Carpenter 158 Nitride Full-Auto Bolt Carrier Group


Manufacturer: Toolcraft

Caliber: 5.56/.223

Bolt Finish: Nitride

Bolt Steel: Carpenter No. 158 Steel

Profile: Full Auto Profile

Gas Key: Grade 8 Hardened Fasteners, Staked per MilSpec


This Toolcraft Logo'd Nitride BCG is made with a carpenter 158 bolt with a full-auto profile, designed to be used in AR-15 & M-16 style rifles. Bolt is magnetic particle inspected (MPI) for a uniform quality and operational reliability.


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These items are controlled by the U.S. Government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. They may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.