Shooting Tips

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  • A Beginner's Guide to Gripping a Handgun and Stance
    A Beginner's Guide to Gripping a Handgun and Stance
    Posted by Jim Grant on December 18, 2024
    Two of the most basic aspects of shooting a handgun are also some of the most difficult - grip and shooting stance. These are so fundamental to good marksmanship that learning bad form can adversely effect a shooter for years. Thankfully, we've come up with a great starter guide for the two most popular stances and grips to get your journey to marksman on the right foot.
  • Beginner's Guide to Competition Shooting
    Beginner's Guide to Competition Shooting
    Posted by Jim Grant on August 23, 2024
    Competition shooting is one of the best ways to improve a shooter's skills while having a great time. But with so many different disciplines and styles of matches, it can be a daunting task to pick the best one for you. Thankfully, we've assembled a handy guide for competition shooting for beginners.
  • Home Defense Handgun vs Shotgun vs Rifle Home Defense Handgun vs Shotgun vs Rifle
    Posted by Jim Grant on August 9, 2024
    When choosing a home defense weapon, it's important to pick the perfect tool for the job. Rifles and shotguns are great but often unwieldy inside of a home. Alternatively, handguns lack the ballistic potency of larger shoulder-fired weapons. So how do you decide among a home defense handgun vs shotgun vs rifle? Narrow down your needs and the limitations of each and find the perfect combination.
  • Tips for your First Shooting Range Trip Tips for your First Shooting Range Trip
    Posted by Patrick "BabyfaceP" James on January 14, 2022
    Ever wonder what to do on your first trip to the gun range? We understand it can be quite intimidating and that is why we have come up with some helpful tips to get you to range pro status.
  • Building Your First Tactical EDC Kit
    Posted by Kris Vermillion on February 12, 2019

    As the saying goes, 'It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.' Everyday Carry (EDC) Kits were created by people who live by this statement. You're here because you've made the choice to be as prepared as possible. We're here to help.

    What is an EDC Kit? In short, it's the practical AND tactical items you need every day. Your environment will dictate the approach you take in building out your EDC Kit. Bear in mind, there are a few different perspectives on how and what to prepare for. Some people choose to keep a bag in the trunk of their car that they label a 'Get Home Bag', designed with the sole intent of getting home in the event of an emergency. That bag is separate from what some would call a 'Bug Out Bag' which would be designed for long-term mobility and sustainability in the event of a catastrophic event. This article is focusing specifically on your EDC Kit. What items do you need to complete the tasks you do every day, and what items can you keep with you in case of minor emergencies or unforeseen projects? Answering those questions will help you fine-tune your EDC Kit to your specific needs. With this in mind, consider what your needs are, and assemble your tactical everyday carry essentials accordingly.

  • Back to the Basics of Firearm Safety Back to the Basics of Firearm Safety
    Posted by Josiah McCallum on October 11, 2018

    Until recently, I worked at our Mt. Pleasant retail location. Sometimes, when newer customers walk in looking for a firearm to carry, they ask a lot of questions, which is a beautiful thing.

    Some of the questions I would often get are:

    • Should I get a pistol with a safety?
    • What kind of safety features does this pistol have? Safety is critical to me.
    • I want a firearm to protect me and my family, what should I get? I'm kind of scared of guns though.
  • Palmetto State Armory Range Safety 101
    Palmetto State Armory Range Safety 101
    Posted by Palmetto State Armory on September 1, 2016
    The dos and don'ts of spending time on the range at Palmetto State Armory.